داستان آبیدیک

separation distress


1 روان شناسی و مشاوره:: پریشانی جدایی

Lack of emotional responsiveness shatters assumptions of secure connection and induces overwhelming separation distress. In general, the therapist assumes that separation distress and the inherent threat it presents create emotional and interactional chaos. This particular cycle has been found to predict relationship dissolution (Gottman, 1999); EFT therapists often call it the Protest Polka, since one person is explicitly protesting disconnection, albeit often in an aggressive way, that disguises his or her separation distress. The therapist also tracks partners default affect regulation strategies and how they deal with separation distress, particularly noting extreme vigilance about responsiveness from the partner; ramped-up alarm-oriented aggression; numbing with- drawal and immobility; flooding, resulting in disorientation; and flip- ping between fight and flight. * A loss of emotional balance at moments of separation distress, to the point of reactive flooding or numbing.

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